Ok there are some upsides to unemployment. Really, after the first week I have discovered a few small but important positive aspects about being unemployed. Here they are in no certain order:
I go to the gym far more often. I love going to the gym. Physically pushing myself to go beyond my limits of strength and endurance feels good. I feel better, I notice subtle changes in strength already and am ready for more. I have maintained by membership over the last couple of years but my attendance has been sporadic at best. I don’t have any excuses now.
I don’t have to laundry on the weekends. I can do it as I have time – any time. No more spending hours on Saturday and/or Sunday loading the washer, moving the heavy wet clothes to the dryer, folding and carrying up the stairs to be put away. I have free time on weekends now. Not that I know what to do with it. But, I got it.
The house is a lot cleaner now. I have time to clean again. I can run the vacuum as it needs to be done. Not when I simply can’t stand the floors anymore. I can sweep when I can get the dog out of the way of the broom. The dishes don’t pile up in the sink. The bathrooms get wiped down a lot more often now too. It is amazing how nice things look when you have the time to take care of them.
Dinners are fun again. I have time to pull out the recipe books and magazines and find something new to create. Or visit an older one we have forgotten about. It makes for better meals and lets me putter around in the kitchen for hours on end. I said I could read a recipe – I didn’t say I was an expert at it.
I get to spend more time with my family. I sure have missed them a lot over the past couple of years. We live in the same house and spend very little time together. It has been very nice to see them every day and spend even a small amount of time with them. I am hoping to spend some time with each of them. If they can stand me…..
My daily food/munchie intake is much less. I have time to prepare meals and sit down to each them. I don’t need all those trail mix snacks and meal replacement bars that I have been eating for the last couple of years. When I try to eat like that now I feel stuffed. Yay…I can eat less and not feel deprived. I wonder how much of that was stress eating?
Oh yeah – my stress level is way down. I have not got upset with anyone nearly as easily as I have been. I haven’t had to play my “I am way too mad to do anything else” CD at all this week. And I haven’t wanted to maim anyone beyond recognition either. Life is getting better.
I don’t have to get dressed before 2 o’clock in the afternoon. I spend the morning working at the computer and being accosted by furry people. I go to the gym when my behind falls asleep and my legs are numb. After my sweatfest I take a shower, get dressed, do the hair and make-up thing. I am ready to start my day – at 2PM. Beats getting up at 5:45 AM any day.
And, DIY projects are not so bad. Husband and I got the back storm door up. Took three hours, a bit of swearing and little blood to accomplish it. But, it is up and functional and as a bonus it looks good. It operates better than the last one too. Points to Husband for that. He can be truly amazing sometimes.
Which brings us to the down side of unemployment. We will address those in the next post.
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