Wednesday, August 12, 2009

All I need...

Success - we have cool air! The ever amazing hubbing came through. He took the thing apart and put it back together - and it works. We had a motor replaced and we good! $500 poorer - much cheaper than the 8 grand for a new one! Yay - I am so easy to please.

Still waiting on outcome of Old Fart's surgery today. Being this far away sucks!! He is getting on in years. His health is not the greatest. This is the 4th surgery in a year. My brother, his "Guardian Angel," hasn't sent any of us a message yet. I have tried to call a couple of times to no answer. I know he isn't supposed to have the cell in certain areas of the hospital but ...some rules you just have to break. They are stupid rules. Like GA is supposed to leave the Old Dude and go out to make update calls. NOT!! I hope we hear soon. I am trying to operate on the theory that no news is good news. If something were very wrong I would have heard by now. I will keep telling myself that over and over until I believe it anyway. Old Fart had plans to come visit this summer. He was going to make a trip out of it. He loops around visits childhood friends and the cluster of us that live around here. He stays until he is tired of us and moves on to the next one. He opted not to make the trip this year. Said there wasn't enough money and his health wasn't so good. I miss him. He gets on my nerves and yells at the dumb dog. But, he is Dad, The Old Fart. I don't want to miss him yet. Not yet.

I am looking for a better template that will allow me to do more. If you know of a good one - let me know. This one is very limiting.
Peace ....

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