Yesterday I read Kait’s post and was flabbergastered. I left without commenting because I was seething. I cannot understand how in this day and age that such ridiculousness still exists.
We are not in some sort of Dark Ages people. There can be no separation of peoples due to skin color! Family is Love. Pure and Simple. Caring, Nurturing, Guidance and Patience know no color boundaries.
I have very personal issues with this. My daughter is biracial as well. Normally, when I say this people look at me weird and say, “She doesn’t look black.” Cuz, she ain’t!! She is Hispanic. And that prejudice still exists. Even friends we have had for years are not sensitive to this. “Ya, he was too tall to be Mexican – don’t know what he was.” Well, my vote would be Human! And to send you to the nearest cultural awareness training and sensitivity class! Idiot!!
My daughter is a college junior who is a stunning young woman 5’10” olive toned skin dark beautiful curly hair with an incredible fashion sense. This is a good thing considering she is a fashion major by choice. Perhaps your stereo-typical expectations were a 4’10” woman with an armload of kids and ratty ill-fitting clothes unable to communicate properly in the English language. Idiot!! Where do you get your information? Rush Limbaugh your hero?
I have witnessed first hand the horrible treatment by the white perceived-by-themselves-to-be-elite of my child. We moved to the Midwest from the California coast. That is another post for another day. We did our homework. We looked up demographics for the area. We researched schools and communities. We were informed on test scores and college prep. We purchased a lovely custom home in an inviting area with lots of room. We brought our dog, our cats, and our kid – we brought our family.
There was a demographic I forgot to check. Her first day of school a new classmate looked at her and said, “You’re Mexican? Wow that’s cool!” Ummm, what? Uhhh, huh? It never stopped. It was present the day they wrote ‘JUNGLE BUNNY” on her car in the school parking lot. The day the school principal knew nothing about. Her car in the front parking lot in the front row where she had parked for 3 years running. Always parked in the same place – always surrounded by the same group of friends. The fools didn’t even know the proper terms for her degradation. SPIK – BEANER – WETBACK those were terms they should have been using for their hate mongering. Terms she has heard before. Their prejudice runs so deep and is so ingrained by their surroundings the details don’t matter to them. Any derogatory term would work to bring about hate and loathing and fear. Idiots!!
We are not in some sort of Dark Ages people. There can be no separation of peoples due to skin color! Family is Love. Pure and Simple. Caring, Nurturing, Guidance and Patience know no color boundaries.
I have very personal issues with this. My daughter is biracial as well. Normally, when I say this people look at me weird and say, “She doesn’t look black.” Cuz, she ain’t!! She is Hispanic. And that prejudice still exists. Even friends we have had for years are not sensitive to this. “Ya, he was too tall to be Mexican – don’t know what he was.” Well, my vote would be Human! And to send you to the nearest cultural awareness training and sensitivity class! Idiot!!
My daughter is a college junior who is a stunning young woman 5’10” olive toned skin dark beautiful curly hair with an incredible fashion sense. This is a good thing considering she is a fashion major by choice. Perhaps your stereo-typical expectations were a 4’10” woman with an armload of kids and ratty ill-fitting clothes unable to communicate properly in the English language. Idiot!! Where do you get your information? Rush Limbaugh your hero?
I have witnessed first hand the horrible treatment by the white perceived-by-themselves-to-be-elite of my child. We moved to the Midwest from the California coast. That is another post for another day. We did our homework. We looked up demographics for the area. We researched schools and communities. We were informed on test scores and college prep. We purchased a lovely custom home in an inviting area with lots of room. We brought our dog, our cats, and our kid – we brought our family.
There was a demographic I forgot to check. Her first day of school a new classmate looked at her and said, “You’re Mexican? Wow that’s cool!” Ummm, what? Uhhh, huh? It never stopped. It was present the day they wrote ‘JUNGLE BUNNY” on her car in the school parking lot. The day the school principal knew nothing about. Her car in the front parking lot in the front row where she had parked for 3 years running. Always parked in the same place – always surrounded by the same group of friends. The fools didn’t even know the proper terms for her degradation. SPIK – BEANER – WETBACK those were terms they should have been using for their hate mongering. Terms she has heard before. Their prejudice runs so deep and is so ingrained by their surroundings the details don’t matter to them. Any derogatory term would work to bring about hate and loathing and fear. Idiots!!

This horror directed at the sweetest kid on the planet. She would give her heart and her soul to help anyone or any living thing that needed it. Go ahead ask me how and why we have a household full of pets. Haven’t bought one yet. Not once – nope – in 20 years. This child drove an hour one way to volunteer at an animal rescue facility. She gave up her weekends to do that. She would come home and go on and on about the kitties. (No – you bring one more home and all y’all are moving out!) Some days she would have a few new scratches – that was ok with her. Every day she volunteered she would come home and shower and leave the clothes she wore in the mud room. In case they were contaminated she didn’t want to spread anything to her menagerie. Some days she would be so worried about a particular dog that might be hard to place because of the horrors visited upon it during its short life span. (No – we have one neurotic beast. He can’t take anymore.) A beautiful baby girl always trying to help out around the house. Though that changes a little in the teen years.
And her skin tone is the one thing they see. Her skin tone is their barometer for her place in the world. Please God tell me how this is possible. I would be ecstatic to have her skin tone by the way. At least one less cat too. But, I digress. A hard-working, empathetic, caring and fun loving college student headed for a better life. And they see a dark girl. REALLY! I see an elitist pig with no hope of growth when I see them. A stagnate person in a putrid foul place. She hates remembering her high school years. She did well in school despite what they did to her. They let her not play on the basketball team for 3 years before she quit. I applauded that day. She completed an incredible senior project its first year of inception. Still gets mentioned to this day by subsequent classes. Mostly by the teachers though. Ya the teachers – glad to be rid of most of them too. The majority of them grew up around here – ‘nuff said.
There is more to say about this. I will post again on the subject of prejudice and hate. We can’t let it take over. We have to stay ahead of it and make every effort to integrate the society that won’t let go of it.
No person loves a child for the accessory factor. No child is ever willing to be a “bracelet” to complete an outfit. Children don’t choose their heritage, their families, or who loves them. It is a rare gift to be able to choose a child to love. A child’s color and a mother's color are completely irrelevant.
To Be Continued.
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