Saturday, September 5, 2009

Ways to enjoy that daily commute - or at least not be bored beyond belief

So after driving to and from work for a long time I have developed some ways to keep occupied during the two plus hours of the daily commute. Mind you I don’t vouch for the legality or advisability of any of them. Just entertainment to keep from running down the fool that just cut you off again…

1.Explore new radio stations – you have at least six if not more presets on your car radio. Try the random search function and see what else is out there. Find one you like stick it on a preset for another day. The next time your favored station gets stupid or annoying or is playing commercials pick a preset and listen for awhile.
2.How long can you listen to the radio and not hear a single song – chattering DJs, commercials, traffic reports? My record was 10 minutes.
3.See if you can guess the next exit – how many times have you driven this way? You should now them by now.
4.Find another way home. I had at least four different ways to travel. All got me home under different circumstances. Give it a shot – breaks up the monotony of the drive.
5.How many stoplights can you find on alternate route #4? Definitely not the fastest way home – how long has that Indian restaurant been there anyway?
6.Try to talk to Dear Old Dad for the entire hour. This will depend on the cell signal, the traffic and whether or not you have enough to say to each other. My Old Fart and I were good at it. Sometimes we were still talking as I was walking in the door.
7.Count how many times you pass the same impatient fool in the pick-up. You know the one – he speeds up, zooms around you into the next lane, weaves in and out for a few car lengths and gets stuck in a line cars next to you. Only to start all over again with the same process as soon as he thinks there is a break in the line. Must be tough to be him some days.
8.Count how many times the same dingus cuts you off – read above for description of the dingus.
9.Paint your fingernails. This works well in stop and go traffic. You need a fairly thin and translucent polish too. You can try when traffic is moving at close to full speed but it is a lot tougher. (Recommended only for those who like polish on their nails)
10.Eat your breakfast. Coffee and pastry works well. Bowl of cereal – not so much. You can try the knee steering method in a long line of slow mowing vehicles but the trooper next to you is not nearly as impressed as you would think.
11.Oh and the hot coffee in the travel cup with a lid is the best. The cute ceramic Hawaii mug with the dancing girls not so effective as you are driving down the road. Coffee gets cold and all over your suit. Just keep it in its box and show it off to your coworkers during that morning meeting. They are already jealous.
12.Write your blog posts - in your head. If you can remember the major points and fill in the details when you are actually in front of your computer this works well. Tough to type and drive …
13.Plan how to escape the next meeting without being overtly obvious. Come on, how many times can you have an important conference call scheduled 20 minutes into the meeting? Be a little more creative.
14.Call around for the best price on the new landscaping for the front yard. You see some good examples on the way home – take some mental notes.
15.Make check-up appointments for yourself. Can you remember the dentist’s name?
16.Pull off and try that oil change place that advertises “no waiting”. What else are you going to do for the next 20 minutes – maybe move 20 yards or so?
17.How many people are driving with expired tags today? You will be surprised.
18.Can you get your left leg up in the seat so that you sit more comfortably with your foot underneath you? Careful it falls asleep sometimes. (not recommended for those with a manual transmission – scary ramifications for the sudden stop)
19.Try to ignore the multitude of text messages you are getting from your family and friends. Tough isn’t it?
20.Sing with the song on the radio – like you’re the only one doing this?
21.Plan your next bar-b-que. Is there a new game to change things up a little? Or do we just hang under the one lonely tree and play follow the shade again?
22.And why don’t Tim and Lindsay eat chicken? What else can you make besides burgers and brats?
23.How many people do you see talking on their cell phones in that 5 mile stretch with the heaviest traffic?

Be thankful you have a job and enjoy the time. No job – no commute….

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