Tuesday, May 26, 2015


I got the courage and ditched the procrastination and got on the scale at the gym. HA - nothing unexpected there. The last time I weighed myself and allowed myself to look at the number it was almost the same. Yup still 20 pounds heavier than I want to be. I refuse to look at the scale at the doctor's office. There is something so brutal about that. I don't know exactly why it feels that way I only know I won't do it. Haven't for many years.

So, lest you think I am some sort of obsessed with thin - allow me to explain the 20 pounds. It has taken two years to gain that weight. That is 10 pounds a year. It starts in the winter and I never make it go away. I accept the extra pounds and the tighter clothes and keep going. Next year happens again, same story, same song, same acceptance. My clothes don't fit. I am not in a position to buy all new clothes. Mostly because I dun wanna. That is simply ridiculous. If I would simply exert myself and adjust my eating habits it would be so much better. I am not getting any younger. Any endeavor of this manner is not going to be easy. The longer I wait; the older I get. The older I get the harder it is to affect this change. Translation: Older me has a really hard time losing the fat and fab. I hate jiggly underarms. Bleh.

And I joined a gym again. It is good. The last time I got serious and took charge the gym was the deciding factor for me. I am beginning in fits and starts this time. I will go a few days then skip for too many days. The feeling of comfort and familiarity is coming back more and more each time I walk in. I will acclimate to this present environment soon. I am not concerned about that. Once I get started and find a rhythm I don't want to stop. I tried going back to the hard core weight training. That didn't work. I took a step back went to the machines and started at the beginning. I thought I had over done my legs yesterday. Using these two machines among others.

(Images courtesy of google - seated extension with red pads, nautilus leg press top)

Sadly that was not the case. My legs were not even the least bit sore today. That means to me I am giving up before my body is ready to quit. My lazy takes over. My torture of choice today was a run. It was 5 miles but I couldn't run the entire thing. I will keep trying. Tomorrow is arms day. OWWWW.

More on dietary changes later.

Now I am tired.

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