Friday, May 29, 2015

Food - HA - Ice Cream

So, yeah the food thing. I could fudge it here - you know - protein shakes daily, fruits and protein during the day. Salad usually at night mostly because I am lazy. And this is all true. It is just omitting a little bit of the daily foodstuffs. Like dark chocolate and like ice cream and maybe 2 or 3 cups of coffee.

(image from google images - never can keep ice cream long enough to take a picture)

I don't buy containers of ice cream when grocery shopping. I don't want it handy. When I really want it I have to go out and get it. Thinking this makes it more difficult? Have to get dressed and put shoes on and look presentable for the ice cream run?  NOPE. Cuz we got drive-ups ..... at night...... so I don't have to get out of the car. And I don't have to see anyone except the poor drive-up window person that takes my money and hands me by downfall. Don't ever have to be exposed to the outside world. Car is in the attached garage. The whole process is way too easy.

So, the days starts well with these peanut butter delights, some coffee and a couple of dates. I know that is an older recipe. It has all the nummies and is really simple to make. Most anything that includes dark chocolate is always worth the effort. There are additional offerings on her site - take some time and browse. Some of her shake recipes are amazing!!! Great photography too. Lunch is simple and fast. Tuna packet preferably flavored, hard boiled egg with hot sauce, and fruit and more fruit. I can snarf that in 15 minutes while checking my phone and talking to a coworker. No joke, it is sad to see.  Then chocolate happens a square at a time. There are currently three different dark chocolate bars in my desk. 3!!! Each has a unique flavor. And chocolate. Chocolate Happens. Every day. Weekends get a little weird. I don't have any here at home. Makes for some strange munchies in the afternoons. Dinner is bag-o-salad if I am home alone. If Hubbing is home he cooks. He is good at it too. Healthy protein usually fish and veggies (no Brussel Sprouts - those things are not food).

See doesn't sound too bad. The coffee treats that look and taste like mini-scones are probably not a good thing. The late night ice cream definitely not good. And the chocolate well just accept that one. Not gonna give it up.

(photo credit to google)



Tuesday, May 26, 2015


I got the courage and ditched the procrastination and got on the scale at the gym. HA - nothing unexpected there. The last time I weighed myself and allowed myself to look at the number it was almost the same. Yup still 20 pounds heavier than I want to be. I refuse to look at the scale at the doctor's office. There is something so brutal about that. I don't know exactly why it feels that way I only know I won't do it. Haven't for many years.

So, lest you think I am some sort of obsessed with thin - allow me to explain the 20 pounds. It has taken two years to gain that weight. That is 10 pounds a year. It starts in the winter and I never make it go away. I accept the extra pounds and the tighter clothes and keep going. Next year happens again, same story, same song, same acceptance. My clothes don't fit. I am not in a position to buy all new clothes. Mostly because I dun wanna. That is simply ridiculous. If I would simply exert myself and adjust my eating habits it would be so much better. I am not getting any younger. Any endeavor of this manner is not going to be easy. The longer I wait; the older I get. The older I get the harder it is to affect this change. Translation: Older me has a really hard time losing the fat and fab. I hate jiggly underarms. Bleh.

And I joined a gym again. It is good. The last time I got serious and took charge the gym was the deciding factor for me. I am beginning in fits and starts this time. I will go a few days then skip for too many days. The feeling of comfort and familiarity is coming back more and more each time I walk in. I will acclimate to this present environment soon. I am not concerned about that. Once I get started and find a rhythm I don't want to stop. I tried going back to the hard core weight training. That didn't work. I took a step back went to the machines and started at the beginning. I thought I had over done my legs yesterday. Using these two machines among others.

(Images courtesy of google - seated extension with red pads, nautilus leg press top)

Sadly that was not the case. My legs were not even the least bit sore today. That means to me I am giving up before my body is ready to quit. My lazy takes over. My torture of choice today was a run. It was 5 miles but I couldn't run the entire thing. I will keep trying. Tomorrow is arms day. OWWWW.

More on dietary changes later.

Now I am tired.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Lost and now somewhat forgotten

I was looking for some photos on my laptop. I wanted to add some color and vibrancy to the post.
The pictures are gone. Like gone-gone. Nowhere to be found. The folder is as well. We were both doing things with photos on the computer. So, it could have been either one of us. But, sadly I did not notice it until now. The last time I remember working with them was a couple of months ago. The chances are they are gone forever.  What is truly the saddest part about all this........... not the first time.

 I lost a large number of photos a couple of years ago. My computer crashed and took all the fun pictures with it. I bought the back-up drive, the jump drive and then proceeded to let it happen again. Because of course I did. Why not?  Lesson learned? HA!! Didn't learn it last time.

I went and got the old jump drive out of the drawer. There are some pictures on there though not many. Seems to be the ones I had printed a while back. And one picture of boo-boo that I had forgotten. Probably the last picture I took of him. No learning taking place here I guess. Just sadness.  Bleh.

Here's Boo-Boo. He's always good for a smile.

Saturday, May 2, 2015


Good Bad or Otherwise. They are the only constant we have. And man oh man are there a lot of them going on now.

So, we make the adjustments. There are some that don't feel good. I try not to let the dark side - the Oh No side - come into my thoughts too much. I am trying to be open and accepting. So far, ain't workin'.

Changes are upon us  - Bleh.