Believe it or not I have been lurking on my own site. I check in to use the links to other blogs I like. Funny huh? Ya ok kinda pathetic.
But, I am reassessing all things in my life. All things. I am making changes and considering options. Yes, I am still very married. No, I am not changing that at all. Everything else is up for review and assessment.
To that end I am writing again. Feels so good. I am taking steps to get back to my healthy diet. My two year break has not been good to me. I am going out on a limb a bit more these days. That is good,very good as well.
I am facing some failings and short comings. I am celebrating strengths and accomplishments. We will talk more about this journey as it continues. Major and minor changes are in order.
I read something posted by someone I love dearly. It moved me. No really it contained a link to a song I had never heard. The lyrics touched me. I don't know how to embed links but I will try. If it doesn't work go to youtube and type in Röyksopp - What Else Is There amazing video and bold lyrics. Caused me to think and feel and write and cry. All in the same afternoon. That is a good thing. Anything that can create that type of response is powerful.
Took a photography class too. Sorry, you are going to have to suffer through my attempts at landscapes. The next one may be a flower photo class. Ya you gonna hafta suffer through those too...

We startled each other pretty good here. We agreed to respect the other's space and move on.
Remember - I got this thing about frogs.....
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