Much has happened in the last month. I don’t know where to start.
So – a list of random updates and their respective consequences.
The house is listed for sale. We aren’t finished with all the things we wanted to do. But, it is out there. So, this is real. If we are able to sell at the price we want we will be ok. Not great but ok.
I have a new job thing. Yeah, kind of surprised me too. Commute is longer but it is ok. Not sure about the job yet. Keep you posted.
I am going to OKC in a week for an overnight trip. Yucko! We take all the fun out of dysfunctional. That will be a post not to be missed when I get back.
Feeling uber fat these days. Up about 5 pounds and none too happy about it. Been to the gym more often but my eating is out of control!! Lordy save me from myself.
CiCi and Hubbing are communicating! Yay just like real people!! She needs a new car – he loves to buy cars and can’t afford one for us. So, he helps her. They both win. I am beyond excited.
I feel better. I gave in and started taking the medication as prescribed. Yup, me on meds. Whatever I feel better.
I have absolutely no idea what to get Hubbing for his upcoming birthday. Poop – poop and more poop. Ideas?
I bought a couple pairs of shoes for this job. Like grown up lady work shoes with heels and stuff. Wow, huh? Who knew I could wear those things.
My office is still a mess.
ITEM 10:
It is so flippin’ hot I can’t get anything done. I can’t get the outside things done because I am at work in the morning – every morning. Yes all seven of them. I didn’t give up my Target job completely. I have to be certain the new one will work.
ITEM 11:
I can no longer collect unemployment. It ran out and I now have two jobs. CRAP!
How do I pay my Target bill now?
ITEM 12:
I need to paint a few more rooms. Don’t have time but still need to paint. Volunteers (read victims)?
ITEM 13:
I need new bras. I hate shopping for bras. They are expensive and uncomfortable and don’t fit right! WAAAAH…..
ITEM 14:
Old Dude is having cataract surgery in a couple of weeks. Kinda scary. He is getting older and his health is too.
ITEM 15:
Gave the poopers a bath today. It was necessary. He reeked.
ITEM 16:
I miss CiCi most much.