Saturday, February 13, 2010

Yes well - I am still alive.........

I have not dropped off the face of the planet yet. I have been lurking on my own blog. I stop by often to check on updates to the blogs I follow. And tell myself to write something. And don't - write anything that is.

It is not a difficult process for me. I just don't. bother. So, I will do one of those updates here it is in the condensed version kinda things.

You remember the snow well it melted a lot see...

and we actually made it to the great outdoors....

yes, that it is a thug - hammin' it up for the camera - which goes everywhere i go....

And now the snow is back. And I am sick - of the snow and with a viral flu-like sort of thing that needs to go away!!! How much snot does one really need in a lifetime? I mean really!! Hey my ears just opened up. I am not hearing underwater at the moment.

Life's small victories. More to post later when I am closer to human.